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Howard Hall.

Howard L. Hall



Nuclear security applications, including proliferation detection, counterproliferation, detection of and response to radiological/nuclear threats, nuclear forensics, radiochemistry, and applications of nuclear-based methods to other security needs (such as explosives detection)


PhD, Nuclear Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1989

  • Thesis: “Delayed-Fission Properties of Neutron-Deficient Americium Nuclei” (D. C. Hoffman)

BS, Chemistry, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 1985

Professional Service

American Chemical Society

American Institute of Chemists

Awards and Recognitions

Department of Homeland Security/Science & Technology Undersecretary’s Award for Science (2005)

Sigma Xi (1990–present)

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow (1985–1988)

The Bishop Robert Smith Award (College of Charleston Valedictory Award, 1985)


B. Bandong et al., "Validation of a gamma-spectrometric method for the Measurement of Ra in Environmental Media Relevant to the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry," Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 264 (2), 429-435, 2005.

D. P. Fergenson et al., "Reagentless Detection and Classification of Individual Bioaerosol Particles in Seconds," Analytical Chemistry 76(2), 373-378, 2004.

S. A. Kreek, H. L. Hall, K. E. Gregorich, R. A. Henderson, et al., "Electron-Capture Delayed Fission Properties Of 228Np," Physical Review C 50, 2288-2296, 1994.

Howard Hall.

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