Christian Young
The winner of the December 2022 Department of Nuclear Engineering Student Service Award is Christian Young. Young is a doctoral candidate who works in the Rad IDEAS (Radiation Instrumentation, including DEtectors, imaging, and associated Algorithms and Systems) group within the department.
“Christian always goes above and beyond to provide assistance to the NE Office staff with events, he continually has a positive attitude, and is constantly stopping by the front office to ask if we need help with anything,” said the selection committee in announcing his recognition.
When told of his selection, Young was happy to have been chosen and eager to share how highly he thought of the department and the people in it.
“It is an absolute honor to be receiving this award,” he said. “My decision to come to the University of Tennessee for graduate school continues to be one of the best decisions I have made in my professional career. The support I receive from the staff in the department, from my advisors Dr. Hayward and Dr. Liesenfelt, and from the countless friends I have made along the way has been nothing short of incredible. I couldn’t have done half of what I’ve accomplished were it not for these amazing people. I’m excited to share this award with past recipients of this award who truly show what it means to be a Volunteer, and I hope to continue my career with that mindset at the front!”