Research Assistant Professor
High performance computing applications to nuclear engineering, reactor core physics, and molten salt based nuclear systems.
PhD, Sub-nuclear Physics, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2007
- Thesis: “Transverse Phenomena in Pion Production in Hadronic Collisions at SPS energy” in the NA49 experiment, advisors: Dr. Jiří Dolejší (Prague) and Dr. Hans G. Fischer (CERN)
MA, Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
- Diploma thesis: “Extraction of Inclusive Cross Sections of Charged Pions Produced in Proton-Proton Collisions from NA49 Experiment Data”
Professional Service
Major professor of Kirk F. Sorensen, M.Sc. thesis “Thorium research in the Manhattan Project Era,” defended on January 27, 2014
Member of master’s committee of students: Mark W. Crosskey (2014), Daniel Wentz (2014), Kelly R. Kenner (2014), David R. Davis (2014), Elizabeth L. Jones (2015), Tyrone C. Harris (2015)
Emily A. Frame Bc. thesis committee member at the Czech Technical University (2015)
Member of PhD committee of student: Shane W. D. Hart (2014)
Advising two senior design teams in fall 2014–spring 2015
Mentoring graduate research assistants: Luis A. Castellanos, William M. Kirkland, Filip Fejt, Michaela Vaitová
Mentoring undergraduate research assistants: Gavin K. Ridley, Dallas M. Moser, Matthew T. Herald, Travis Labossiere-Hickman, Tyrone C. Harris, David M. Harris, Carl G. Britt, Emily A. Frame, Jared Bell, Alexander M.W. Wheeler, Dane de Wet, Hadyn Daugherty
Mentoring UC Riverside graduate students as a postdoc
Initiated and co-organized study abroad Experimental Reactor Physics laboratory in mini-term 2013 (12 students), 2014 (9 students), 2015 (12 students)
Facilitated visits of research scholars from Czech Technical University (CTU): Filip Fejt (6 months), Michaela Vaitová (3 months), Ondřej Novák (6 months), Jiří Hoskovec (6 months), Ludmila Šámalová (6 months)
Worked on bachelor student exchange between UTK and CTU, aided a pilot student Emily Frame
Partnered with CTU on collaborative research in VVER-1000 reactor simulations
Member of the ANS 20.2 “MSR Design Standard” Working Group
General chair and organizer of the 5th International Serpent User Group Meeting in Knoxville, TN (2015)
Session chair at ICAPP 2014 and RPSD 2014 conferences
Technical program committee member and paper reviewer of the RPSD 2014 conference
Paper reviewer for ICAPP 2015 conference
Review of grant applications for Finnish Academy of Science, March 2015
Elected Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) RHIC/AGS User's Executive Committee student and postdoctoral fellow representative 2008–2009
Elected president, vice president of BNL's Association for Students and Postdocs (ASAP) in 2008 and 2009
Awards and Recognitions
Quark Matter 2009 poster award
2008 PHENIX Christmas future award for a detector simulation work
1994 Jaroslav Heyrovský Foundation award—national award recognizing excellence in physics
Gentry, C. et al, “Burnable Poison Reactivity Control for the Advanced High Temperature Reactor,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 113 (2015) 1139-1342.
Nicholas, L. et al., “The Nestle 3D Nodal Core Simulator: Modern Reactor Models,” ANS MC2015 Nashville, TN, USA, April 19-23 (2015) paper 227.
Gentry, C. et al, “Two Dimensional Calculations for Liquid Salt Cooled Reactors,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 109 (2013) 1139-1342.