Most nuclear engineering certificate programs consists of four 3-hour graduate courses and do not include a requirement for research or engineering practice. At least 3 credit hours for the certificate must be earned outside of the requirements of the degree(s) and other certificates. Since graduate certificates are university credentials, a student must apply through Graduate Admissions to the graduate certificate program. Students must be admitted to the certificate program prior to completing six credit hours toward the certificate. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average once in the program and complete the requirements of the certificate program as stated in the Graduate Catalog to be awarded the graduate certificate.
If you are currently enrolled at UT, you have two options for application into a Graduate Certificate Program:
- Add-on Option: add a graduate certificate program to your current degree program, or
- Stand-Alone Option: apply to a graduate certificate program following graduation from your current degree program
Students should apply for an add-on certificate prior to the completion of six-semester hours towards the certificate requirements.
Want to Know More About Requirements?
The Graduate Catalog is the definitive resource for degree programs, academic policies, and requirements. The Graduate School has also posted additional information pertaining to Admission to a Graduate Certificate Program here.
The Tickle College of Engineering offers a graduate certificate in reliability and maintainability engineering. The program is designed primarily for part-time students in that all of the courses are available through distance education. The Maintenance and Reliability Certificate program currently includes elective courses in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering as well as nuclear engineering.
The 12-hour certificate is earned by completing four courses, consisting of two core courses:
- Introduction to Reliability Engineering (IE/ME/NE 483)
- Introduction to Maintenance Engineering (IE/ME/NE 484)
And two elective courses selected from the following list:
- Applications of Linear Algebra in Engineering Systems (CBE/BME/ECE/IE/MSE/ME 529)
- Applications of Multivariate Statistics and Process Modeling and Data Analysis (CBE/IE 562)
- Modern Transform Methods (ECE 503)
- Random Process Theory for Engineers (ECE 504)
- Statistical Methods in Industrial Engineering (IE 516)*
- Reliability of Lean Systems (IE 517)*
- Mechanical Vibrations (ME/BME/ES 534)*
- Corrosion in Nuclear Power Systems (NE 441)
- Equipment and System Prognostics (NE 575)*
- Empirical Models for Monitoring and Diagnostic (NE 579)*
- Process System Reliability and Safety (ChE/NE 585)*
- Survival Analysis (STAT 567)
*Currently offered through distance education
The selection of elective courses is determined through an advising conference with each individual student and is based on the student’s personal interests, academic background, and work experience. Applicants must meet the minimum criteria established by the Graduate Council.
The Department of Nuclear Engineering offers a graduate certificate in nuclear security science and analysis (NSSA). The program is designed primarily for students seeking specialization in nuclear security science with emphasis on current or aspiring members of the nuclear security community, including those areas with an emphasis on arms control, treaty verification, non-proliferation, international nuclear security issues in both civilian and military contexts, nuclear threat detection, and principles of nuclear intelligence assessment. Additionally, this program will prepare graduate students to engage in the research and development of new tools and processes related to nuclear security science and analysis.
The 12-credit certificate is earned by completing four courses from the following lists, including one required course, one qualifying nuclear engineering elective course, and two NSSA electives.
The required course is NE 530 Nuclear Security Science and Analysis. Qualifying nuclear engineering elective courses include (please note that the 400-level courses must be taken for graduate credit to qualify for the certificate):
- NE 404 Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- NE 433 Principles of Health Physics
- NE 470 Nuclear Reactor Theory I
- NE 542 Management of Radioactive Materials
- NE 551 Radiation Protection
- NE 571 Reactor Theory and Design
NSSA electives include:
- NE 531 Global Nuclear Security Culture
- NE 532 Detection, Localization, and Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear and Radiological Materials
- NE 533 Physical Security for High-Consequence Facilities
- NE 534 Physical Security Vulnerability Assessment
- NE 535 Radio and Nuclear Chemistry
- NE 536 Export Control and Nonproliferation
- NE 550 Radiation Measurements Laboratory
- NE 635 Nuclear Forensics
- POLS 686 Arms Control, Deterrence and Nuclear Nonproliferation
The selection of courses, which must be approved by the department, is determined through a student advising conference that considers the student’s personal interests, academic background, and work experience. Criteria for acceptance to the certificate are the same as for acceptance into the MS program in nuclear engineering.
The Department of Nuclear Engineering offers a graduate certificate in Medical Physics. The program is for students who have already earned a PhD in an appropriate field such as Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or other closely related science or engineering discipline and who would like to become certified Medical Physicists and/or conduct research in Medical Physics. All entering students shall have a strong foundation in basic physics demonstrated either by an undergraduate or graduate degree in physics, or by a degree in an engineering discipline or another of the physical sciences and with coursework that is the equivalent of a minor in physics (i.e., one that includes at least three upper-level undergraduate physics courses that would be required for a physics major).
The certificate is earned by completing 15 graduate credit hours and 9 undergraduate credit hours (can not be taken for graduate credit). Courses required for the certificate are:
- BCMB 230 Human Physiology, 5 credit hours
- EEB 240 Human Anatomy, 4 credit hours
- BME 574 Medical Imaging, 3 credit hours
- NE 490 Radiation Biology, 3 credit hours
- NE 551 Radiation Protection, 3 credit hours
- NE 567 Medical Physics I, 3 credit hours
- NE 568 Medical Physics II, 3 credit hours