Financial Assistance
The University of Tennessee is committed to providing quality education at a reasonable cost, and a number of programs have been developed to help graduate students finance their studies.
The department offers graduate research assistantships (GRAs) through funding research grants. GRA positions include competitive monthly stipends for MS and PhD students, with annual stipends ranging from $28,696 to $34,000, depending on program of study, background qualifications, and funding source. Several fellowships, graduate assistantships, and graduate teaching assistantships with competitive stipends are available for appropriately qualified students. All types of assistantship appointments include health insurance and waiver of tuition and maintenance fees. Beginning fall 2022, graduate students on assistantships no longer pay mandatory fees (library fee, technology fee, etc.) and differential tuition (charges associated with certain colleges). Such fees are now covered by the funding source.
Fellowship Opportunities
National organizations—such as the Department of Energy, the American Nuclear Society, and the National Academy for Nuclear Training—also offer excellent fellowship opportunities for nuclear engineering graduate students. The department can provide information and assistance in applying for the below fellowships.
- »Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN) Consortium Fellowships
- »US Department of Energy Student Programs and Internships
- »US Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program
- »NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program
- »National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
- »US Department of Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program
- »DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate
- »American Nuclear Society Scholarships
- »Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarships
- »Roy G. Post Foundation Scholarship
- »Rickover Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering