Assistant Professor
Dr. Sandra Bogetic is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville and Junior Faculty Fellow. Prior to joining UTK, she was a Postdoc at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Her research focus lay in a variety of fields from advanced simulation, developing and validating new neutron and photon transport modeling capabilities, optimization software for designing energy tuning assembly and advanced reactor core design, to developing new methods for safeguards and nonproliferation application.
- PhD, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
- MS, Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2016
- MS, Nuclear Engineering, Eidgenössische Technische Hochscule (ETHZ), Zurich and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013
- BS, Energy Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan, Italy. 2011
Professional Service
- Faculty mentor for the American Nuclear Society student chapter at UTK, 2021-Present
- Diversity and Inclusion in ANS (DIA) Executive Committee, 2019-2025
- Independent Reviewer for DOE DNN R&D programs, 2023-present
- Provost Junior Faculty Fellow, 08/2023-present
- Graduate Scholar Fellowship awarded at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2017-2020
Awards and Recognitions
- Nuclear Engineering Professor of the year, 2023
- Faculty Service Award, 2022
- Nuclear Engineering Professor of the year, 2021
- Graduate Scholar Fellowship awarded at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2017-2020
- Outstanding Mentorship award at the University of California, Berkeley, 2018
- Outstanding Mentorship award at the University of California, Berkeley, 2016
- Best Student Paper Award for the ICONE 25 Conference for “Uncertainty analysis of the TRU- burning Thorium-fueled RBWR using generalized perturbation theory
A full list of publications is available at her Google Scholar Profile.
Williams, A., Walton, N., Maryanski, Bogetic S., W. Hines and V. Sobes.. Stochastic gradient descent for optimization for nuclear systems. Sci Rep 13, 8474 (2023).
Dunkle, N.; Wheeler, A.; Richardson, J.; Bogetic, S.; Chvala, O.; Skutnik, S.E. Plutonium Signatures in Molten-Salt Reactor Off-Gas Tank and Safeguards Considerations. J. Nucl. Eng. 2023, 4, 391-411.
Houston E., Bogetic S., Akindele O., Bergevin M., Bernstein A., Dazley S. Neutrino Detector Design for Safeguarding Small Modular Reactor. In review, Phys. Rev. App. (2023)
Bogetic S., Mills R., Bernstein A., Coleman J., Morgan A., Petts A. Anti-Neutrino Flux from the EdF Hartlepool Nuclear Power Plant. Phys. Rev. Ap.p (2023), arXiv:2301.07153
M. Hursin, S. Bogetic, A. Dokhane, S. Canepa, H. Ferroukhi, O. Zerzak, A. Pautz “Development and validation of a TRACE/PARCS core model of Leibstadt Kernkraftwerk Cycle 19”, Annals of Nuclear Energy Volume 101, March 2017, Pages 559–575
Busch C, Bogetic S, Ramsey C. Metaheuristic Optimization Method for Neutron Capture Therapy, 1 Jun 202264th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the American-Association-of-Physicists-in-Medicine (AAPM) MEDICAL PHYSICS49(6):E344 (1 page) WILEY
S. Bogetic, P. Gorman, M. Aufiero, M. Fratoni, E. Greenspan and J. Vujic “Uncertainty analysis of the TRU- burning Thorium-fueled RBWR using generalized perturbation theory” ICONE25-68001, V009T15A069; 7 pages.