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Sophie Blondel.

Sophie Blondel

Research Assistant Professor


Sophie Blondel received her BSc from Ecole Polytechnique (France) and her MS from Université Paris Diderot (France), both in physics. After finishing her PhD in particle physics in 2013 from Université Paris-Sud (France), she started at ORNL as a postdoctoral research associate to work on code development for Xolotl within a DOE SciDAC project. She has since become the lead developer for Xolotl and joined the Nuclear Engineering department at the University of Tennessee. She was a visiting academic fellow at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in April 2022.


Blondel's research focuses on developing continuum scale models for irradiated materials and implementing them for high performance computing applications. She is the lead developer for Xolotl.


  • PhD, Physics Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France, 2010–2013
    Dissertation: "Experimental high energy physics."
  • MS, Physics Paris Diderot University, Paris, France, 2009–2010
  • BS, Physics Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2006–2009

Professional Service

  • Member of the American Physics Society.
  • Session chair for the 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling and 2022 Nuclear Materials Conference.
  • Peer reviewer for scientific journals: Journal of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Materials and Energy, Materials Today Communications, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, NIMB Proceedings, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties.
  • Review of grant proposal for the Army Research Office and Department of Energy Office of Science Fusion Energy Sciences.

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2024 Research Faculty Excellence Award Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


A full list of Blondel's publications is available at her Google Scholar Profile.


  • A. Lasa, S. Blondel, M.A. Cusentino, D. Dasgupta, P. Hatton, J. Marian, D. Perez, W. Setyawan, B. P. Uberuaga, Q. Yu, B. D. Wirth, Development of multi-scale computational frameworks to solve fusion materials science challenges, Journal of Nuclear Materials 594, 2024.
  • D. Dasgupta, S. Blondel, E. Martínez, D. Maroudas, B. D. Wirth, Impact of Soret effect on hydrogen and helium retention in PFC tungsten under ELM-like conditions, Nuclear Fusion 63, 2023.
  • P. Robbe, S. Blondel, T. A. Casey, A. Lasa, K. Sargsyan, B. D. Wirth, H. N. Najm, Global sensitivity analysis of a coupled multiphysics model to predict surface evolution in fusion plasma–surface interactions, Computational Materials Science 226, 2023.
  • G. Pastore, N. Militello, S. Blondel, B. D. Wirth, Single-size and cluster dynamics modeling of intra-granular fission gas bubbles in UO2, Journal of Nuclear Materials 583, 2023.
  • D.U. Kim, S. Blondel, D. E. Bernholdt, P. Roth, F. Kong, D. Andersson, M. R. Tonks, B. D. Wirth, Modeling mesoscale fission gas behavior in UO2 by directly coupling the phase field method to spatially resolved cluster dynamics, Material Theory 6, 2022.
  • A. Lasa, S. Blondel, D.E. Bernholdt, J.M. Canik, M. Cianciosa, W.R. Elwasif, D.L. Green, P.C. Roth, T.R. Younkin, D. Curreli, J. Drobny, B.D. Wirth, Integrated model predictions on the impact of substrate damage on gas dynamics during ITER burning-plasma operations, Nuclear Fusion 61, 2021.
  • S. Blondel, D. E. Bernholdt, K. D. Hammond, B. D. Wirth, Continuum-scale modeling of helium bubble bursting under plasma-exposed tungsten surfaces, Nuclear Fusion 58, 2018.
  • D. Perez, L. Sandoval, S. Blondel, B. D. Wirth, B. P. Uberuaga, A. F. Voter, The mobility of small vacancy/helium complexes in tungsten and its impact on retention in fusion-relevant conditions, Scientific Reports 7, 2017.
  • S. Blondel, D. E. Bernholdt, K. D. Hammond, L. Hu, D. Maroudas, B. D. Wirth, Benchmarks and Tests of a Multidimensional Cluster Dynamics Model of Helium Implantation in Tungsten, Fusion Science and Technology 71, 2017.
  • D. Maroudas, S. Blondel, L. Hu, K. D. Hammond, B. D. Wirth, Helium Segregation on Surfaces of Plasma-Exposed Tungsten, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2015.
Sophie Blondel.

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