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Atomic Wings Comes to UT Knoxville

Jake Gorton, Amanda Bachmann, and two other people sit at a table at the front of the conference.

NE graduate students Jake Gorton (left) and Amanda Bachmann (far right) were panelists for the Atomic Wings Lunch and Learn.

On February 10, the Atomic Wings Lunch and Learn program, which is typically held on Capitol Hill, traveled to Knoxville for a special edition on the University of Tennessee (UT) campus in conjunction with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The US Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy lunch and learn program served to kick-off the Advanced Reactors Summit VII and Showcase Event.

Attendees heard from subject matter experts and members of Congress, among others. The focus of this special edition was, “Propelling the Next Generation for Advanced Nuclear Energy.” The event featured NE graduate students Jake Gorton and Amanda Bachmann, as well as rising early career representatives from ORNL, TVA, and the greater Knoxville community.

The Atomic Wings Lunch and Learn series is a US Department of Energy sponsored bipartisan educational series on Capitol Hill for members of Congress, Hill staff, and industry, informing both sides of the aisle on the benefits of nuclear energy.

View a recorded webcast of the event.