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Zinkle Receives ASM Gold Medal


Steven J. Zinkle, professor of nuclear engineering and UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair, was selected to receive the ASM Gold Medal for 2018 for his innovative research on microstructure/property relationships in irradiated materials. ASM, formerly known as the American Society for Metals, is the preeminent association for engaging and connecting materials professionals and their organizations.

I am humbled and deeply honored to receive this pinnacle award from ASM International. The list of distinguished prior recipients of this award inspires me to continue to pursue research breakthroughs with my students and colleagues. I am grateful to numerous mentors and colleagues who have enhanced my research career, and to my wife Teresa for her unwavering support.”

—Steven Zinkle

Zinkle’s research helps create a scientific basis of performance limits as well as practical design strategies for new high-performance radiation-resistant materials.

“This award is a testament to Professor Zinkle’s numerous contributions to nuclear material research focused on radiation resistant metals,” said Nuclear Engineering Department Head Wes Hines. “Some of these findings could be game changes for use in advanced nuclear reactors.”

ASM’s Gold Medal was established in 1943 and today recognizes outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materials science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems.

zinkle award presentation Zinkle acceptance speech