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Category Archives: Faculty

It’s been one year since the UT received a prestigious MRSEC and the collaborations have led to breakthroughs in the lab.

Naidu Bobba joins our department this fall as an assistant professor with expertise in radiotheranostics, a powerful approach for cancer diagnosis & treatment.

Xingang Zhao will be joining our department this fall as an assistant professor. His research interests span multiple disciplines of nuclear energy systems.

The Y-12 Technology Accelerator Program gives NE students the chance to experience careers in nuclear security while contributing to the sector’s advancement.

Maik Lang and Eric O’Quinn co-authored a paper on pyrochlore-type lanthanide titanates and zirconates that was recently chosen as a “featured article.”

Jun Ren, Assistant Professor for the Department of Nuclear Engineering, has become an ambassador for the university at the facility.

The University of Tennessee is the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.

Brian Wirth and Nick Brown, along with other universities, are working on a project that is receiving a $1.25-million Phase II continuation award.

The department hosted the UT/ORNL Fusion Summer School, which includes introductory lectures on various topics, lab visits and demos, and panel discussions.

Thomas Kerlin, a former nuclear engineering student, professor, and department head died from cancer on May 26, 2024. His legacy at the university won’t soon be forgotten.