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Category Archives: 2018

NE faculty members Ivan Maldonado and Ondrej Chvala served as experts on a technical mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Sri Lanka.

University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering graduate Thomas Magette has been promoted by Talisman International to the position of Talisman president. […]

Steven Zinkle, professor of nuclear engineering and UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair, was recently presented a Gold Medal from ASM.

Results from the University of Tennessee Department of Nuclear Engineering’s Radiation Shielding competition on Engineers Day 2018.

As part of HITES12 2018, rising high school seniors spent part of a week on a project to work with and test robots used to locate hidden radioactive materials.

With the help of Maik Lang and other TCE faculty, two students authored a paper looking into why certain metals can exhibit insulated properties at times.