NE junior Katy Worrell is both an American Nuclear Society Officer (ANS) and a crucial member of the American Nuclear Society Proposal Writing Committee. Now, she has earned the first ever Nuclear Engineering Student Service Award issued by the department.
As the ANS secretary, Worrell coordinates events for the ANS chapter that develops their members professionally, academically, and helps grow the ANS network. Among her responsibilities, Worrell is the logistics chair for the proposal to bring the ANS student conference to Knoxville, which would draw hundreds of nuclear engineering students from across the country.
“Katy has been a go-getter from the very beginning and was eager to find her feet within the nuclear industry,” said Academic Advisor Amanda Lovelace. “She is not deterred by a challenge, which is evident in the time and commitment she put into the event planning for the ANS conference bid. Katy is very deserving of this Student Service Award.”
“It has also been a great opportunity to build my relationships with my peers in NE and our wonderful faculty,” said Worrell “I’m extremely grateful to have been even considered for the student service award, much less to be awarded it. It’s remarkable to see how the university, the college, and the department have fostered not just my growth but that of my peers as well during our time here.”
The purpose of the Student Service Award is to foster an enriching community, which relies on the ability of departmental events and programs to engage students, faculty, and staff. The success of many of these events and programs depends on the voluntary activities of the student body. This award was established to support important services and to encourage continued leadership and excellence. Four awards will be distributed to both undergraduate and graduate students each academic semester.