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NE Celebrates Faculty Promotions & Tenure for 2020

Congratulations to the following faculty members who will start the 2020 fall semester with well-earned promotions and/or tenure.

Promoted to Full Professor

Lawrence Heilbronn

John D. Tickle Professor

Research: Medical isotope production, nuclear space sciences, health physics, space radiation transport and shielding, neutron and light ion production cross section measurements, heavy ion cross section and thick-target measurements

Lawrence Heilbronn.

Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor

David Donovan

Research: Fusion energy science, plasma physics, plasma-material interactions, near term applications of nuclear fusion devices, material characterization tools, He ion damage to tungsten in fusion relevant environments, plasma and heat flux diagnostic development and implementation, surface chemistry analysis, boundary plasma experimental research, impurity transport studies in magnetically confined fusion devices

David Donovan.