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Category Archives: Faculty

The University of Tennessee is the lead institution for a $25 million cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.

Brian Wirth and Nick Brown, along with other universities, are working on a project that is receiving a $1.25-million Phase II continuation award.

The department hosted the UT/ORNL Fusion Summer School, which includes introductory lectures on various topics, lab visits and demos, and panel discussions.

Thomas Kerlin, a former nuclear engineering student, professor, and department head died from cancer on May 26, 2024. His legacy at the university won’t soon be forgotten.

UT alumnus Hashem M. Hashemian has been named the president elect of the American Nuclear Society after working in the nuclear and aerospace industries.

Professor Guillermo Ivan Maldonado has been promoted to Fellow by the American Nuclear Society, an honor that recognizes advancements of nuclear science.

Governor’s Chair Professor Brian Wirth chaired a FESAC facilities construction subcommittee tasked with evaluating facilities needed by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.

UT and nuclear technology company Kairos Power are developing a simulator-based nuclear operator training facility for UT students and Kairos employees.

Alan Icenhour and Loong Yong are the newest members of the Department of Nuclear Engineering’s Hall of Fame. They were inducted in April 2024.

Associate Professor David Donovan took a faculty development leave. During his time away, he visited the DIII-D National Fusion Facility in San Diego.