Tag Archives: ORNL
Doctoral Graduate Developing Materials for Next Generation of Nuclear Reactors
Caleb Massey, a recent doctoral graduate, works at ORNL researching Oxide Dispersion Strengthened steel, which could make advanced reactors a reality.
At the Intersection of Entrepreneurship and Rural STEM Outreach
NE senior Matthew Herald held a week-long camp with several local rural middle school students, teaching them computer science and coding.
Department Hosts Alcoa High School Students
Maik Lang and the Department of Nuclear Engineering hosted around 30 students from Alcoa High School and introduced them to nuclear engineering.
Best of the Best
The Department of Nuclear Engineering graduated the most PhD students in a single year in US history in 2018.
Student Research Leads to New Understanding of Compounds
With the help of Maik Lang and other TCE faculty, two students authored a paper looking into why certain metals can exhibit insulated properties at times.
Students Visit ORNL
Several students from the University of Tennessee’s Department of Nuclear Engineering visited Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
ORNL NESLS 1st Place Poster Session Winner: Angela Simone
ORNL NESLS 1st Place Poster Session Winner: Angela Simone Angela Simone, won first prize at the Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory […]