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Tag Archives: Nicholas Brown

Professor Nicholas Brown was selected to the inaugural Nuclear News “40 Under 40” list of industry influencers and future leaders of the nuclear community.

Nuclear engineering Associate Professor Nick Brown and colleagues collaborated on research that earned two Best Paper awards.

UT Department of Nuclear Engineering Associate Professor and Assistant Head for Graduate Studies Nick Brown is being honored by the ANS.

The January issue of Nuclear News, a publication by the American Nuclear Society, included four industry predictions for 2022 by UT faculty.

Associate Professor Nick Brown spoke to WVLT about Russia’s attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Associate Professor Nick Brown spoke to Engineering about advancements in an accident-tolerant fuel called TRISO.

NE Associate Professor Nicholas Brown’s research group published findings that contribute to the understanding the impacts of critical heat flux (CHF) events.

Associate Professor Nick Brown and Professor Ivan Maldonado were awarded a grant for research aimed at supporting optimization and design of fusion engineering.

Associate Professor Nicholas Brown published a review of past engineering demonstration reactors, which could be important for future advanced reactors, in Energy.

Nicholas Brown, Giovanni Pastore, Jamie Coble, and Brian Wirth were awarded grants totaling $3.2 million from the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program.