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Tag Archives: Ivan Maldonado

Three NE professors will use experimental data to validate neutronics simulations of fusion reactors with realistic plasma sources and multi-physics modeling.

Professor Guillermo Ivan Maldonado has been promoted to Fellow by the American Nuclear Society, an honor that recognizes advancements of nuclear science.

Professor Ivan Maldonado helped EECS Assistant Professor Hector Pulgar connect Lenoir City High School students to engineering and UT.

Associate Professor Nick Brown and Professor Ivan Maldonado were awarded a grant for research aimed at supporting optimization and design of fusion engineering.

Professor Ivan Maldonado shares his opinion on the role that nuclear energy can play as a key part of a carbon-free future.

Research Assistant Professor Ondrej Chvala and Professor Ivan Maldonado partnered with visiting researcher Pavel Suk on a new computer-modeling tool and applied it to a NuScale reactor.

During the 2018 summer mini-term, twelve undergraduate students from UT’s Nuclear Engineering department participated in the sixth year of a […]

NE faculty members Ivan Maldonado and Ondrej Chvala served as experts on a technical mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Sri Lanka.