Tag Archives: ANS

Hashemian named President Elect of ANS
UT alumnus Hashem M. Hashemian has been named the president elect of the American Nuclear Society after working in the nuclear and aerospace industries.

Hosting ANS Student Conference a Great Success for Department of Nuclear Engineering
The nuclear engineering department at the University of Tennessee recently hosted the 2022 American Nuclear Society student conference.
ANS 2018-2019 Student Scholarship Winners
A list of NE graduate and undergraduate students awarded ANS scholarships for 2018-19.
Ten undergraduate and graduate students represented the department at the ANS Conference and two teams won awards for the Best Student Paper.
WIN and ANS present THE NEW FIRE film screening and director panel
WIN and ANS present The New Fire film screening and director panel on April 23, 2018.
UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Wirth Named ANS Fellow
UT–Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair Brian Wirth has been named a fellow of the American Nuclear Society, the group’s highest honor.
Congratulations ANS Scholarship Winners
This year the American Nuclear Society bestowed 11 scholarships on our students, during its annual meeting in San Francisco, June […]