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Tag Archives: The Source 2021

After a successful experience at UT, alumna Fan Zhang (’19) joined Georgia Tech as an assistant professor in July 2021.

Mentoring and tutoring programs are two ways the department strives to help students achieve success throughout each stage of their educational journey.

Senior Anthony Tom earned the Outstanding Undergraduate Tutoring Award for tutoring students during the 2020–21 academic year.

More than one year after creating its Pledge for Allyship, Social Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion, the department has taken action to address the effects of implicit and explicit biases.

The Zeanah Engineering Complex opened its doors to students at the start of the fall semester and will serve as the new home of the department, which is currently stretched across multiple buildings.

Assistant Professor and Zinkle Faculty Fellow Livia Casali joins the Department of Nuclear Engineering’s fusion program.

Devon Drey, Robby Kile, and Ed Duchnowski are among the latest winners of the Innovations in Nuclear Technology Research and Development Awards.

Recent doctoral graduate Shawn Zamperini’s research observing impurity transport in the edge of core plasma landed him a position with DIII-D National Fusion Facility.

Doctoral student Alex Wheeler led research to create a new dynamic model for the underexplored topic of safeguarding Molten Salt Reactors.

Professor and UCOR Fellow Jason Hayward and EECS Gonzalez Family Professor Hairong Qi recently completed a five-year project funded by DHS to develop a portable nuclear or radiation detector.