Tag Archives: ORNL
Wirth Co-Authors Paper Urging Universities to Support Fusion Growth
UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Brian Wirth worked with professors from Columbia University and MIT to co-author a paper on the importance of supporting fusion growth.
Chong’s Neutron Scattering Detector Smashes a Scientific Record
Doctoral graduate Su-Ann Chong demonstrated a breakthrough in scientific achievement expected to speed up high-impact neutron science research.
International Modeling Helps Improve Small Modular Reactors
Research Assistant Professor Ondrej Chvala and Professor Ivan Maldonado partnered with visiting researcher Pavel Suk on a new computer-modeling tool and applied it to a NuScale reactor.
Kile Explores Transient Behavior for the Transformational Challenge Reactor
Doctoral student Robby Kile conducted research to verify the performance of the TCR designs under both normal operating conditions and accident scenarios.
Meshing It Up
Graduate student Tucker McClanahan serendipitously stumbled on a new streamlined process for making urban environments in unstructured mesh to aid in understanding particle transport.
UT, ORNL Researchers Make Breakthrough in Understanding Atomic-Scale Nature of Disordered Materials
Three nuclear engineering researchers—Associate Professor Maik Lang; Postdoctoral Researcher Eric O’Quinn; and Graduate Research Assistant Devon Drey—along with Materials Science […]
UT to Participate in ARPA-E Project for Advancement of Small Modular Reactor Design
The University of Tennessee is a key member of a recently announced General Electric Research-led team working on an Advanced […]
Wheeler Wins Best Presentation Award
Nuclear engineering doctoral student Alex Wheeler won second place in the student poster competition at the 2019 Molten Salt Reactor […]
Heilbronn Receives Grant to Expand Options for Cancer Treatment
The US Department of Energy has backed John D. Tickle Associate Professor Lawrence Heilbronn’s research into radionuclide therapy with a large grant.
Genetic Algorithms: Where Evolutionary Biology Meets Nuclear Engineering
NE Department Head Wes Hines leads a team researching how artificial intelligence can be used to aid in the design of a complex nuclear system.