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Category Archives: The Source

Wes Hines, Maik Lang, Jamie Coble, David Donovan, and Michelle McBee received faculty and staff awards from UT’s Tickle College of Engineering.

Research Assistant Professor Ondrej Chvala and Professor Ivan Maldonado partnered with visiting researcher Pavel Suk on a new computer-modeling tool and applied it to a NuScale reactor.

Alyssa Hayes became a delegate with the Nuclear Engineering Student Delegation to advocate for federal policies that would impact the nuclear industry.

Doctoral student Robby Kile conducted research to verify the performance of the TCR designs under both normal operating conditions and accident scenarios.

Rising seniors Elijah Brock and Jasmine Toy experienced the same co-op rotation with Southern Company at Southern Nuclear’s Plant Farley in the fall of 2020.

The department is part of the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium, an 11-member university consortium grant for research and development into nuclear science, engineering, and security.

Associate Professor Emeritus Thomas Howard Scott, who served on the faculty in the Department of Nuclear Engineering from 1986–2008, has passed away.

NE students Will Cureton and Devon Drey were recognized for their outstanding scientific excellence for their oral presentations to the Materials Research Society.

Research Assistant Professor Ondrej Chvala studies Molten Salt Reactors (MSR) not just with an eye for the future, but also […]

Southern Company Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor Jamie Coble, who also serves as the assistant department head for undergraduate studies […]